Once you choose HOPE, anything is possible.
Are you tired of feeling ...
DISCONNECTED in your relationship
Trying to communicate but NOT FEELING HEARD
FEELING INSECURE about your co-parenting

Imagine if you had ...
Meaningful CONNECTION and INTIMACY with your partner
The ability to turn conflict into deeper UNDERSTANDING in your relationship
Full CONFIDENCE in the decisions you make for you and your family

HOPE Station offers a series of virtual and in-person events for you and your partner to learn how to gain and maintain HOPE in your relationships. Personal JOY and HOPE are just around the corner! With us, you will be supported and encouraged to work on tools and strategies that will turn your dreams for your relationship into ACTION!
Start your journey today!

Listener. Observer. New Yorker.
I'm a therapist who spent decades disguised as a corporate marketer. This is my second career, but I feel like I spent my entire life preparing for it. Growing up in New York, I was labeled as shy but what I was really doing was honing my skills as a listener (it is hard to listen and talk at the same time).
I was a people watcher and found a lot of material in the very colorful streets of New York. In the years that followed, I enjoyed getting to know the different approaches of people in the middle and other side of the United States.
Eventually, I went back to the East Coast to work in marketing. It was literally my job to assess the needs of consumers and develop innovative products to meet those needs. I was in heaven! WHAT? Getting paid to study people? Fabulous!! Then I had 3 kids, studied their behavior for two decades and no one suspected a thing.
MY NEW LIFE (or is it?)
At 35, I decided that I didn't find joy in my career and started looking for "my thing". I looked high and low for what brought me genuine joy. It was there all along. PEOPLE! I've always been intrigued by people, what makes them do what they do and think what they think. So, I went back to school to hone the craft I'd been training for all my life.
Today, I am living my dream, helping one person at a time!